Monday, October 02, 2006

Falling off the Wagon....

OK, all this financial advice is great. However, what do you do when you, "Fall off the Wagon" and spend more than you are supposed to and more than you have planned? We've all done it: a new gadget, some unforeseen emergency, a vacation getaway that just wouldn't have been right without a little splurging.

This is what you do. You stand up. Brush yourself off. Put your indiscretion behind you and get back on the wagon. You need the ability to course correct to get yourself back on track. The worst thing you can do is give up and stop watching your cash flow and stop trying to bring down your debt. You need to have a focus on the future. Don't beat yourself up. Try to understand what little mental "trip-wire" made you lose control and see if you can protect yourself.

Here are some examples of ways my wife and I have used to protect ourselves.
- If you are about to spend over a certain amount, let's say $150, you check in with your partner and make sure you both agree
- If you are shopping online, save your electronic "cart" and make the order in a few days (I've gotten rid of a lot of impulse purchases that way).
- Shred your credit cards and just carry a debit card instead.

Remember, pay yourself first and keep focused to not over spend. Don't give up when you make a mistake and just keep focused on improving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

save for tomorrow...... and fo crisis also!

8:55 AM  

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