Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Start saving sooner...

The key to saving money it to start now! Everyone says that they have too many bills to pay and that it is impossible. Then, they feel like the amount they might be able to save isn't significant so it doesn't warrant trying. This is incorrect!!!

The key is to make it a habit to save. Some of the best advice out there is to, "Pay yourself first". This is really well illustrated in the book, The Richest Man in Babylon. The idea is that too many people make paying others a priority. Pay the credit card company, pay the bills, pay for groceries, then at the end of the day, there isn't anything left over. The way to get around this is to pay yourself first; put some amount of money away before you hit the bills and spend the rest.

You will be surprised at how quickly it grows. You will also be surprised in that you probably wont miss the money. Set up anything, $25/month, $50/month or $100/month or more. You wont miss it and it will be the beginning of something that you can grow.

I was once advising a person who had just started their career. They were telling me that contributing to a 401k was too much money out of their take-home pay. I got them to try just 1%. They came back later and told me they didn't even notice the change. Over the months, they slowly grew this amount. This is why I advise you to just start small and grow into saving larger amounts of money.

Saving money is a key element in building your financial fortress. Start exercising this saving muscle now so that you can continue to grow it in the future.


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