Saturday, January 21, 2006

Creating and Using Spending Categorization (Part 1)

"Let honesty and industry be thy constant companions, and spend one penny less than thy clear gains; then shall thy pocket begin to thrive; creditors will not insult, nor want oppress, nor hungerness bite, nor nakedness freeze thee" - Benjamin Franklin

Building a budget is instrumental to getting control of your finances and having a financial strategy.

I spent a lot of time working on the right categories so that it was actually useful and easy to have a detailed budget while not getting overwhelmed with minutia and monthly variability.

Here are the category groups (note the Categories) I have used to slice and categorize my income and spending.

Note, I created leading characters (“I1” for Income, “P” for Payments). This allows sorting in reports reports (e.g., my salary is listed first). I use these to group together multiple Quicken Categories.

Income Categories
I1 - Salary-Self
I2 - Salary Bonus-ESPP
I2 – Work Reimbursement
I3 - Salary Spouse
I2 – From Goals Saving Short Term
I3 – From Goals Savings Long Term
I3 - Other Income

Expense Categories
P1 – Credit Card Payments
P1 – Loan Payments
P1 – To Goals Savings Long Term
P1 – To Goals Savings Short Term
P2 – Non Discretionary Expenses (Monthly)
P2 – Non Discretionary Expenses (Periodic)
P3 – Discretionary Expenses (Monthly)
P3 – Discretionary Expenses (Periodic)

To see these show up in the Budgeting tool in Quicken: In the budget tool in Quicken 2006, on the budget tab, look for a little check-box that says "Show Category Groups". You can also see category groups when you are creating or editing a category.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your tips about the categorization groups and the consolidation of the finance charges into one category with several subs. Just you use the Quicken default categories (i.e. clothing, groceries, dining, entertainment, etc), or have you changed those names too? If so, do you mind sharing the names?

I'm a recent MS Money 05 to Quicken 06 convert and still learning the power of the Quicken software. However, one budgeting tactic I used in MS Money was streamlining my budget. Basically, I had a category for bills, insurance, taxes, groceries, gas, childcare, and other. The other included everything else (i.e. clothes, dining out, entertainment, etc). The other was my discretionary spending. I found this was an easier way than reallocating between categories because some months you may buy more clothes than others. I also found it easier to explain the budget status to my wife. Any thoughts?

Again, thanks for the tips and the easy explanations.

7:00 AM  

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